Diploma Course

Theology, Biblical Interpretation, and Diaspora Mission/Ministry
Welcome to the 2024 Diploma Course in Theology, Biblical Interpretation, and Diaspora Mission/Ministry. This course covers an array of topics including Introduction to Theology, Old and New Testament Surveys, Biblical Interpretation & Preaching, Church History, World Religions, and Diaspora Ministry.


This programme is for everyone interested in theological education. However, it prepares Diaspora and Non-Diaspora Church Leaders and Christians to better understand their missional and ministerial work within the UK and Western contexts. Additionally, the course provides theological, missional, and preaching training to better equip Church Leaders and Christians to serve in their ministries.


Spanning six modules over two years, the course begins on September 9, 2024.

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Application Deadline:

30th August 2024

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Course Content

The Diploma Course is delivered online via Zoom from 7.15pm – 9pm on Mondays. The programme starts on 9th September 2024.


  • Introduction to Theology Module
    Autumn Term
  • Old & New Testament Surveys
    Spring Term
  • Biblical Interpretation & Preaching
    Summer Term
  • Diaspora Mission/Ministry
    Autumn Term
  • Church History
    Spring Term
  • World Religions
    Summer Term


Module 1 – Introduction to Theology Module:

We start this course with an introduction to theology module. This is to introduce our students to theology and the Christian faith’s fundamental doctrines (often called Systematic Theology). This module will help students grasp the nuances and technicalities underpinning theology as a discipline. The module is examined through the lens of World Christianity and how voices from different parts of the world, particularly those from the majority world, shape theological discourse.

Some topics to be covered in the Introduction to Theology module are:

  • What is Theology?
  • The Doctrine of God (Theology Proper)
  • Bibliology (The Doctrine of Scripture)
  • Christology (Doctrine of Christ)
  • Hamartiology (Doctrine of Sin)
  • Pneumatology (Doctrine of the Spirit)
  • Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation)
  • Eschatology (study of end things)

Module 2 – Old and New Testament Surveys

In this module, we concentrate on Old and New Surveys to give students an overview of both testaments, exploring the different types of writings, the various structures included and tools on how to exegete the texts.


Some of the topics include:


  • Overview of the Old Testament Survey & the Law
  • The Old Testament Writings
  • The Old Testament Prophets (Major Prophets)
  • The Old Testament Prophets (Minor Prophets)
  • Overview of the New Testament
  • The Synoptic Gospels (Focusing on John)
  • The Book of Acts
  • The Book of Romans
  • The Book of Ephesians
  • The Book of Revelation

Module 3 – Biblical Interpretation & Preaching

This module equips students to understand how to interpret and apply the Bible contextually. It also covers how to preach biblically and contextually. Thus, understanding the historical context, culture, literary genre, and grammar of the Bible is covered in this module. The module recognises the various interpretive approaches used by different Christian traditions, particularly by Protestant Evangelicals and Pentecostals. It also explores the cultural nuances that other cultures bring to bear when they read and interpret the Bible. This module is examined through the lens of World Christianity and how voices from different parts of the world read and interpret Scripture while remaining faithful to the biblical text.


The first session focuses on Biblical Interpretation with topics like:

  • Introduction to Hermeneutics
  • Interpreting the Old Testament
  • Interpreting the New Testament
  • Post-colonial Reading of the Bible
  • Pentecostal Hermeneutics

The second phase of this module will look at Biblical Preaching/Homiletics. It covers themes like:

  • Introduction to Biblical Preaching (Homiletics)
  • Sermon Delivery & Preaching in Diverse Contexts
  • Biblical Interpretation

We end this module with presentations of biblical passages by students for lecturers’ feedback. This is to help them correctly interpret a biblical text and preach in context.

Module 4 – Diaspora Mission/Ministry

The Diaspora Mission module equips students to understand Diaspora Mission as an area of missiological study. This module highlights the burgeoning presence of Christians from the majority world, particularly Africa, Asia, and  Latin America, not discounting those from The Middle East, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and other non-Western populations whose presence in the UK and the West has become much of missiological study and intrigue.


It equips students to understand Diaspora Mission/Ministry from biblical, cultural/anthropological, theological, and sociological perspectives. It highlights the varied racial, cultural, and Christian faith traditions in which diaspora churches and communities carry out their missional endeavours. Diaspora Mission is borderless, not landlocked, and geographical as espoused by traditional missional engagement. Diaspora Mission is complementary to traditional Mission studies.


Some of the topics looked at in this module are:


  • Introduction to Diaspora Mission/Ministry
  • Biblical Basis for Diaspora Mission
  • Understanding the Worldviews of the UK/West
  • The Missionary Movement of Caribbeans to the UK
  • Developing an Intercultural Church Model
  • Racial Justice Matters
  • Engaging Younger Generation Diaspora Christians
  • Engaging Muslims in the Diaspora
  • Engaging Hindu Diaspora
  • Engaging Chinese Diaspora
  • Ethics in Christian Ministry in Diaspora Mission Context
  • Understanding Global Pentecostalism for Diaspora Mission Engagement
  • Collaboration for Effective Diaspora Mission Engagement

Module 5 – Church History

This module highlights the importance of knowing the church’s history from the early church age to the present. It helps to capture the church’s theological, cultural, language, and sociological worlds throughout the ages. The module focuses on how notable figures like Paul, Tertullian, Augustine, Martin Luther, and Samuel Ajayi Crowther, among others, shaped the church from the 1st century to the modern era. The module gives a broader view of church history, examining how the church has evolved from its birth in Jerusalem to Africa, Latin America, Asia, and other non-Western contexts.


Some of the themes/topics to be covered in this module are:


  • The Early Church
  • Church Doctrine from Nicaea to Constantine
  • The Council of Chalcedon and the end of the Roman Empire
  • The Spread of the Church
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church
  • The Reformation
  • African Church History
  • Latin American Church History
  • Asian Church History

Module 6 – World Religions

Knowing the theological underpinnings and worldviews of the world’s major religions, like Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, is crucial to engaging these religious groups. For church leaders, Christians, missionaries, or anybody involved in Christian ministry to meaningfully engage people from these major religions, it is necessary to fully understand their history, theology, culture, and points of view.


This module helps students acquire a basic understanding of the three major world religions, their beliefs and practices, and how they relate to Christianity. Students will learn effective and practical evangelism approaches tailored to each major world religion, sharpening their ability to communicate the Christian message across diverse belief systems.


The themes/topics to be covered are:

  • Essentials of Islam
  • Essentials of Hinduism
  • Essentials of Buddhism

This module highlights the importance of knowing the church’s history from the early church age to the present. It helps to capture the church’s theological, cultural, language, and sociological worlds throughout the ages. The module focuses on how notable figures like Paul, Tertullian, Augustine, Martin Luther, and Samuel Ajayi Crowther, among others, shaped the church from the 1st century to the modern era. The module gives a broader view of church history, examining how the church has evolved from its birth in Jerusalem to Africa, Latin America, Asia, and other non-Western contexts.

Some of the themes/topics to be covered in this module are:

  • The Early Church
  • Church Doctrine from Nicaea to Constantine
  • The Council of Chalcedon and the end of the Roman Empire
  • The Spread of the Church
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church
  • The Reformation
  • African Church History
  • Latin American Church History
  • Asian Church History

Enrolment Process & Requirements:

This course is open to many people called into ministry and missions in varied capacities within their church and broader contexts. It is available to people from different educational backgrounds who might be engaging in theological education for the first time.
The application process will be in 4 stages:
  1. Applicant fills out the application form
  2. CTC will send a request to the applicant’s chosen Referee.
  3. Once the team has reviewed the application and reference form, an informal interview with the applicant will be arranged.
  4. If the Admissions Team deems the applicant suitable for the course, the applicant will receive a formal offer of acceptance.
If the applicant is unsuccessful in their application, the applicant may be advised to apply again at a later date, depending on their circumstances, however, this may not happen for all rejected applications.

Registration deadline:

30th August 2024

£1200 (£200 per module)
Students can pay upfront per module or instalments into a CTC Bank account using their name as the reference.
Christ Theological College
Bank: NatWest
Sort Code: 60-02-62
Account Details: 10177736

Course Contacts/Enquiries

Admissions Team

Apply Now

Application Deadline:

30th August 2024