Study With Us

Equipping Christians for mission & ministry through intercultural theological education and formation.

Theology, Biblical Interpretation, and Diaspora Mission/Ministry

This is for everyone interested in theological education. No formal training is needed to apply.



•   6 Modules over 2 years

•   One evening session a week


•   Modules Included:

•   Introduction to Theology Module
•   Old & New Testament Surveys
•   Biblical Interpretation & Preaching
•   Diaspora Mission/Ministry
•   Church History
•   World Religions

Diaspora Mission Module

Join us for one module from our Diploma course and learn about Diaspora Mission in the West.

No formal training is needed to apply.


•   1 Module over 13 weeks

•   One evening session a week


•   Topics Included:

•   Understanding the Worldviews of the UK/West
•   The Missionary Movement of Caribbeans to the UK
•   Developing an Intercultural Church Model
•   Racial Justice Matters
•   Engaging Younger Generation Diaspora Christians
•   Engaging Muslims in the Diaspora
•   Engaging Hindu Diaspora
•   Engaging Chinese Diaspora-Confucianism
•   Ethics in Christian Ministry in Diaspora Mission Context

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