Certificate in Theology, Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics), and Diaspora Mission

Certificate in Theology, Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics), and Diaspora Mission

Welcome to the 2023 Certificate course in Theology, Biblical Interpretation and Diaspora Mission. This is a revised version of our 2022 course, which looked at Diaspora Mission, Biblical Interpretation and Ministry. This revised course is for diaspora and non-diaspora church leaders/students who want to gain insight into the pastoral and missional work of diaspora churches and communities in the UK and the West. This course also offers church leaders theological, missional, and biblical interpretation training to better serve in their various ministry capacities. For some students, the course is the initial preparation for further theological studies. This course runs in three modules from September 14th 2023, to 18th July 2024. This course is an introduction to our two-year Diploma programme.


Theology Module

This course starts with the theology module. This will introduce our students to theology and the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. This module is an introduction to theology to help students who need theological education grasp the nuances and technicalities underpinning theology as a discipline. This module will be examined through the lens of World Christianity and its impact on how voices from different parts of the world engage theologically. Some topics to be covered in the Theology module are What is Theology? The Doctrine of God (Theology Proper), Bibliology (Doctrine of the Bible), Christology (Doctrine of Christ), Hamartiology (Doctrine of Sin), Pneumatology (Doctrine of the Spirit), Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation), and Eschatology (study of last things).


Biblical Hermeneutics Module

This module equips students to grasp the processes involved in interpreting the Bible and applying it contextually. Thus, understanding the historical context, culture, literary genre, and grammar of the Bible is given much attention.  The module recognises the various interpretive approaches used by different Christian traditions, particularly Protestant Evangelicals and Pentecostals. Also, the cultural nuances other cultures bring to bear when they read and interpret the Bible. This module is looked through the lens of World Christianity and its impact on how voices from different parts of the world read and interpret Scripture, howbeit being faithful to the biblical text.

In this module, the first six sessions are devoted to Old and New Testament surveys to give students an overview of both testaments. The Old Testament Survey focuses on one prophetic, law, and historical book. The New Testament survey focuses on one Gospel, one Narrative/Historical, The Book of Romans, and one Epistle.

The last six sessions focus on Biblical Interpretation with topics like Introduction to Hermeneutics; Hermeneutical Gaps, Interpreting different biblical genres 1 & 2; Pentecostal Hermeneutics 1& 2.

We end this module with a presentation of biblical passages by students for lecturers’ feedback. This is to help them correctly interpret a biblical text.


Diaspora Mission Module

The diaspora mission module equips students to understand Diaspora Mission as an area of missiological study. This module highlights the burgeoning presence of Christians from the majority world, particularly Africa, Asia, and Latin America, not discounting those from The Middle East, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and other non-Western populations whose presence in the UK and the West has become much of missiological study and intrigue.

It equips students to understand Diaspora Mission from biblical, cultural/anthropological, theological, and sociological perspectives. It highlights the varied racial, cultural, and Christian faith traditions in which diaspora churches and communities carry out their missional endeavours. Some of the topics looked at in this module are Introduction to Diaspora Mission/Ministry; Church Leadership in a Diaspora Context; Diaspora Mission and Cross-Cultural Awareness; Diaspora Leaders and Climate Change; Engaging Muslims in the Diaspora; Engaging Younger Generation Diaspora Christians; Engaging Hindu Diaspora; Engaging Chinese Diaspora; and Understanding Pentecostalism in the Diaspora, among others.


Mode of Study: The Certificate Course is delivered online via zoom from 7.30 pm-9 pm on Thursdays. We run a three-term programme from 14th September 2023 to 18th July 2024.

Theology Module:  14th September – 7th December 2023

Biblical Hermeneutics/Interpretation:  11th Jan – 28st March 2024

Diaspora Mission Module:  18th April  – 18th July 2024


Enrolment Requirements: This course is open to people called into ministry and missions in varied capacities within their church and broader contexts. It is available to people from different educational backgrounds who might be engaging in theological education for the first time.


Fees: £600 (£200 per module)

Mode of Payment: Students could pay the entire fees upfront or in three instalments into CTC Bank account using their name as the reference.

Bank Details:
Christ Theological College
Bank: NatWest
Sort Code: 60-02-62
Account Details: 10177736


Registration deadline: 31st August 2023

Assessment: There is no written exam during the course, but students will be asked to write about the impact of the course on their ministries at the end of the course.


Course Contacts/Enquiries
Dr Eben Adu
Director and Course Leader
Email:  eben.adu@ctcollege.org

Admissions Team
Christ Theological College
Email: admin@ctcollege.org