Dr Angus Crichton

Dr Angus Crichton is Global Advocacy Manager for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, (SPCK, a British Christian publisher and mission agency). He is also a research associate at the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide. His work for the former focuses on supporting theological publishing from the global south, by the global south, for the global south, with the African Theological Network Press being his major focus. Through the latter, he focuses on sources to research and write African Christian History with the needs of African institutions in mind. As an ignorant European, he has been and still is learning about African Christianity for the last thirty years and African theological publishing for the last fifteen. This included teaching in a small theological college in Uganda, learning more from his students than he taught them and starting a theological publishing project with Ugandan colleagues. Having stumbled upon the treasure in missionary society archives on African Christianity, he is currently exploring ways these archives can be made more available and accessible to African theological institutions. He is married to Helen, a midwife in the British National Health Service and has three children in various stages of leaving home.